by Linda Burnham
Some have become so used to confronting the dismal electoral choice between the lesser of two evils that they couldn’t figure out how to relate to a political figure who held out the possibility of substantive change in a positive direction.
Others are so used to all-out, full-throated opposition to every administration that they wonder whether and how to alter their stance.
Still others sat out the election, for a variety of political and organizational reasons, and were taken by surprise at how wide and deep ran the current for change.
Now there’s an active conversation on the left about what can be expected of an Obama administration and what the orientation of the left should be towards it. There are two conflicting views on this:
First, that Obama represents a substantial, principally positive political shift and that, while the left should criticize and resist policies that pull away from the interests of working people, its main orientation should be to actively engage with the political motion that’s underway.
Second, that Obama is, in essence, just another steward of capitalism, more attractive than most, but not an agent of fundamental change. He should be regarded with caution and is bound to disappoint. The basic orientation is to criticize every move the administration makes and to remain disengaged from mainstream politics.
It is possible to grant that Obama is a steward of capitalism while also maintaining that his election has opened up the potential for substantive reform in the interests of working people and that his election to office is a democratic win worthy of being fiercely defended.
Obama is clear – and we should be too – about what he was elected to do. The bottom line of his job description has become increasingly evident as the economic crisis deepens. Obama’s job is to salvage and stabilize the
Obama’s second bottom line is also clear to him – and should also be to us: to salvage the reputation of the U.S. in the world; repair the international ties shredded by eight years of cowboy unilateralism; and adjust U.S. positioning on the world stage on the basis of a rational assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the changed and changing centers of global political, economic and military power – rather than on the basis of a simple-minded ideological commitment to unchallenged world dominance.
Obama has been on the job for only a month but has not wasted a moment in going after his double bottom line with gusto, panache and high intelligence. In point of fact, the capitalists of the world – or at least the
For some on the left this is the beginning and the end of the story. Having established conclusively that Obama’s fundamental task is to govern in the interests of capital, there’s no point in adjusting one’s stance, regardless of how skillful and popular he may be. For the anti-capitalist left that is grounded in Trotskyism, anarcho-horizontalism, or various forms of third-party-as-a-point-of-principleism, the only change worthy of the name is change that hits directly at the kneecaps of capitalism and cripples it decisively. All else is trifling with minor reforms or, even worse, capitulating to the power elite. From this point of view the stance towards Obama is self-evident: criticize relentlessly, disabuse others of their presidential infatuation, and denounce anything that remotely smacks of mainstream politics. Though this may seem an extreme and marginal point of view, it has a surprising degree of currency in many quarters.
The effective-steward-of-capitalism is only one part of the Obama story. Obama did what the center would not do and what a fragmented and debilitated left could not do. He broke the death grip of the reactionary right by inspiring and mobilizing millions as agents of change. If Obama doesn’t manage to do even one more progressive thing over the course of the next four years, he has already opened up
far more promising political terrain. His campaign
· Revealed the contours, composition and potential of a broad democratic coalition, demographically grounded in the (overlapping) constituencies of African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, youth across the racial groups, LGBT voters, unionized workers, urban professionals, and women of color and single white women, and in the sectors of organized labor, peace, civil rights, civil liberties, feminism, and environmentalism. Obama did not create this broadly democratic electoral coalition single-handedly or out of whole cloth, but he did move it from latency to potency and from dispirited, amorphous and unorganized to goal oriented, enthusiastic and organized;
· Busted up the Republican’s southern strategy, the foundation of their rule for most of the last forty years, and the Democrat’s ignominious concession to this legacy of slavery;
· Wrenched the Democratic Party out of the clammy grip of Clintonian centrism. (Although he himself often leads from the center, Obama’s center is a couple of notches to theeft of the
· Rescued political dialogue from its monopolization by hate-filled, xenophobic, ultra-nationalistic ideologues.
This is not change of the anti-capitalist variety, but certainly it is change of major consequence.
If the criterion is that the only change to be supported is that which strikes a decisive blow at capital, then the gap between where we are now and the realignment it would take to strike such a blow is completely and perpetually unbridgeable.
A better set of criteria, in light of the weakness of the left and the decades of hyper-conservatism we are only now exiting, is change that: creates substantially better conditions for working people; broadens the scope of democratic rights for sectors of the population whose rights have been abrogated; limits the prerogatives of capital; constrains runaway militarism and perpetual war; takes seriously the prospect of environmental collapse; and creates better conditions for struggle. This is the potential for change that Obama’s presidency has generated. This is the democratic opening. It is potential that will only be realized and maximized if the left and progressives step up and stay engaged.
These are also the criteria to keep in mind as the Obama presidency unfolds, rather than flipping out over every appointment and policy move he makes. Far better to de-link from the 24-hour news cycle that feeds on micro-maneuvers, stop making definitive judgments based on parsing the language of every pronouncement, and keep our eyes on the broader contours of change.
Besides the sectors of the anti-capitalist left that are stranded on
There are also those who stayed on the shoreline during the campaign because they are wedded to localism as a matter of preference, principle or habit. Others were lodged in organizational forms that, for structural, political or legal reasons, could not articulate with the motion and structures of the presidential campaign. These are complicated issues, bound up as they are with questions of resources and patterns of philanthropy. But for those who missed interacting with the motion of millions against the right, against the white racial monopoly on the executive branch, and for substantive change, their absence should, at the very least, prompt a serious examination of political orientation and organizational form.
Finally, there are those who are struggling to negotiate the existential shoals of a commitment to anti-capitalist politics in a period when the system is manifestly dying but not nearly at death’s door (and there have been all too many chronicles of that death foretold); major alternative systems have only recently collapsed or capitulated; and the vision, values and program that might bind together an anti-capitalist left and win broad support are still frustratingly obscure. There’s no remedy for this dilemma except to live in the times we’re in meeting the challenges we’ve been given and making the most of every opportunity, rather than anticipating capital’s demise or pining for a past beyond recovery.
In this period, then, the left has three tasks.
Our first job is to defend the democratic opening. This is a job we share with broader progressive forces and with centrists. Obama won big and retains the favorable regard of a sizeable majority. And meanwhile the Republican Party is in glorious disarray. But in no way should we take this situation for granted. The new administration faces daunting challenges and outright crises on every front. And while the right is disoriented and weakened, it has not and will not leave the playing field. The principal players and institutions of the right are, at this very moment, plotting how to undermine the administration, challenge every initiative that moves in the direction of democracy, progress and peace, and regroup to seize control, once again, of the state apparatus.
Defense of the democratic opening means many things and ought to be the subject for discussion and strategizing on the left. But in practical terms, first and foremost, it means consolidating and extending the electoral alliance that made the opening possible. Any work that strengthens and broadens the voter engagement of the constituencies and sectors that secured Obama’s election is work that defends the democratic opening. This kind of voter education, registration and mobilization work can be done in conjunction with an extremely broad range of local campaigns and initiatives. And anything that hastens the demise of the southern strategy, builds on the wins in
Our second job is to contribute to building more united, effective, combative and influential progressive popular movements. This places the highest premium on strengthening and extending our ties with broader progressive forces, both inside and outside the Democratic Party, with an eye towards building long-term relationships and alliances among individuals, organizations and sectors. Anything that thickens and enriches the relationships among left and progressive actors in labor, religious institutions, policy think tanks, grassroots organizations, academia etc. is to be supported in the interests of strengthening the capacity of the left-progressive alliance to influence policy, to encourage and shore up whatever progressive inclinations might emerge from within the administration, and to resist administration tendencies to accommodation and capitulation to center-right forces. At this early stage of Obama’s tenure it is already evident what some of the most vital left-progressive alliance building ought to focus on. In foreign policy, on war and militarism in general and on
We’ve exited a period of collective psychic depression only to enter one of global economic depression. Each day, as the institutions of finance capital collapse, the corruption, greed and mismanagement of the nation’s economic system are further revealed. Broad sectors of the population have been shocked into a more skeptical and critical stance towards capitalism, and the need for some measure of structural change wins near-universal acceptance. The clash of rising expectations (encouraged by the hope and change themes of the Obama campaign) and a sinking economy will likely spark new levels and forms of popular resistance. In this political environment, alliance building will be complicated, messy and filled with political tensions and tactical differences. It is imperative nonetheless.
Our third job, and perhaps the trickiest, is to build the left. First let it be said that unless we are able to demonstrate a genuine commitment and growing capacity to take on the first two jobs, the third is a non-starter, and a prescription for political isolation. In other words, defending the democratic opening in conjunction with the center and building long-term relationships between the anti-capitalist left and broad progressive sectors in the context of the struggle over administration policy must be understood as critical tasks in their own right, not simply as arenas in which to advance an independent left line or to recruit new adherents to an anti-capitalist perspective. Realizing the progressive potential of the Obama win requires the most committed involvement with the twists and turns of politics on the most pressing issues on the administration’s agenda. This same engagement is critical to rebuilding the left, a long-term process that can be advanced significantly in the context of Obama’s presidency if, and only if, the left can skillfully manage the relationship and distinction between its own interests, dynamics and challenges and those of broader political forces. Why is this the case? On the tell no lies front, the left is more isolated and fragmented than it has been in forty years. Truly fine work is being done by leftists in every region of the country and on every social issue. But the left qua left is barely breathing. This is not the place to go into the historical (world historical and
In these circumstances, among our biggest challenges is how to attend to building the capacity of the left without succumbing to the siren songs of dogma, the old addictions of premature platform erection, or the self-limiting pleasures of building parties in miniature. For the anti-capitalist left, this is a period of experimentation. There is no roadmap; there are no recipes. Those organizational forms and initiatives that enable us to synthesize experience, share lessons and develop broad orientations and approaches to seriously undertaking our first two tasks should be encouraged. Those that would entrap us in the hermetic enclosures of doctrinal belief should be avoided at all cost.
The Obama presidency is a rare confluence of individuals and events. There is no way to predict how things will unfold over the next 4-8 years. But this much we can foresee: if the opportunity at hand is mangled or missed, the takeaway for the left will be deepened isolation and fragmentation. If, on the other hand, the left engages with this political opening skillfully and creatively, it will emerge as a broader, more vibrant force on the U.S. political spectrum, better able to confront whatever the post-Obama world will bring.
One possible point of contention:
ReplyDelete"On the tell no lies front, the left is more isolated and fragmented than it has been in forty years. Truly fine work is being done by leftists in every region of the country and on every social issue. But the left qua left is barely breathing."
The left is barely breathing, it is weak, it is fragmented. In the rhetoric of 40 years ago, even 10, this is manifestly the case. But this is not ten years ago. There are different conditions on the ground, new ways to communicate. Subtle uniting threads that spread across the nation and the world are presently drawing us together into a force that DID get Obama elected.
Is that weak? Is that innefective?
What Linda does not realize is the power of comressed space and time. Many left oriented nodes of the blogosphere serve as dynamic poles around which we are gathering. The Poles interact and attract, communicate and inspire.
Robert A. Heinlein's classic, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, draws an interesting perspective on this. It is a textbook account of a lunar libirtarian revolution, (yes, rightists, but we can learn from them too). In it he describes the structure of the movment as cell oriented, like resistance organizations of recent history. You have the leader cell, connected to only 2 or 3 other managment cells, connected on down some couple dozen iterations. Communication is up, down and sideways, security is high, and local initiative is high.
This fragmentation Linda speaks about has more in common with a cell structure. Nodes of communication connect diverse groups that act indipendantly. Communication group to group is with nodes or any other group tied to a node. Security is high, initiative is high. One group's local loss informs and educates all other groups. Groups are free to pursue their ideals and tactics and also inform and educate others.
This is a modern strength incomprable to any movment in history. We have no leaders, we have little ideology in common. We strengthen each other with every email and blog post. We get smarter with each action we take. We are strong. We are connected.
Rob makes a good point, noting that the left despite its fragmentation played a role in getting Obama elected. But, I think Linda's point that the post '68 left has been decimated over the past 40 years.
ReplyDeleteFor the most part I think the analysis is right as far as it goes. She doesn't mentioned a lot of things, like the origins of the crisis in the massive development of productive power over the last 40 years.
But my main problem with it is she doesn't give us any sense of: "What is to be done" or a better formulation: "what should we do"?
I think this is why we need to promote what we are doing because it has national significance.
We need to struggle for power and build the left-liberal (Obama dems and revolutionary dems) alliance on the ground in real localities-- we have build this alliance at the local level. So that the alliance we want on the national level is rooted in cities.
This is what we are doing in New Brunswick with the ward campaign and EON. Revolutionary Democrats are working with Obama Democrats to and local progressives to overthrow the local Clinton-Democratic Party machine.
New Brunswick is an important point for the Democratic Party statewide-- the party's old kingmaker, John Lynch, was a mobster from New Brunswick who was mayor for long time. he is in prison now, but his organization lives.
So our national strategy informs our local strategy and our local work is the foundation of national work (and international-- for instance the Obama Dem/Rev Dem alliance has international manifestations in that we can unite with the Latin American Left that has won victories in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Brazil etc).
The piece is missing some of this strategic component. It thinks into 2016 which is great but it can only imagine us supporting Democrats when Rev Dem should be leading the alliance in 8 years (or at least doing more than voting the lesser of two evils).
So I think strategically we want the liberal left alliance (popular front-- Lincoln/John Brown, Roosevelt/CP however we conceive it in its specifics) but it is an offensive and defensive formation and we struggle to lead it (not as hard as it may sound if we start locally).
The point here is that we have to build our influence in the Obama coalition from the ground up and we should try to lead that coalition where we can.
Our strategic enemy is financial capital.
Financial capital is in Obama's coalition and it is a very powerful reactionary force (Jim wrote a good analysis on this in his "Obama and Bank Nationalization" essay). Jim pointed out the headline "Geithner prevails" and asked "who did Geithner prevail over?" Geithner "prevailed" over more progressive forces, like David Axelrod, in Obama's administration who wanted to impose much more punishing terms on financial capital.
So in this process we also have to find ways to weaken financial capital's power and strengthen the hand of people like Axelrod, and the class of green/high tech productive capitalist.
That is where the debtors union comes in and building uniting with institutions like the singularity university.
I'd have to contest just a bit on some of your points, Rob. The weakness on the left is not so much organizational, but more along ideological and dialectical lines. If you actually think of the "movement" as a body in biological terms, a "cell" that acts against the survival of that body is known as a cancer. I'll unequivocally assert that modern anarchism and most everything it entails is the contemporary equivalent of cancer on the Left.
ReplyDeleteNo one here argues any sort of uniformity in ideas or method, but I believe we should be pushing for cohesion and positivity in our collective goals and marginalizing the more ahem "cancerous" elements that present themselves when there is no cohesive plan to move ahead.
Things like the garbage that went down in NYU not so long ago are a result of weak ideas and organization among other things. That ahem..."cancer" cell of anarchists killed whatever mass movement was being built over there and negatively colored everyone's impression of what being Left is about.
Obama's rise to power is a sign that people in this country want to move left and that they want it so much that they used the advanced communications technologies and networks in the superstructure itself to sate that urge. However, the very dangerous inference that can be drawn from Obama's election and the nature of the ideas being thrown around in the mainstream is that most of this new coalition of workers has no idea what "left" is, or where it even points!
The mainstream, while moving left in many ways, is still in ideological limbo and will push whatever backwards conclusions they come to out of their weak ideological backgrounds. We're supposedly moving "beyond" race with Obama's election yet any press on Oscar Grant in the mainstream media is scarce. Obama's press sec. asserts without any solid reasoning that privatized banking is here to stay forever and ever and ever despite those institutions increasingly becoming obsolete. Calling capitalism itself into question is still very controversial to your average Obama liberal despite it being a very commonly held left idea.
I guess my point is, again going back to the cell analogy, our DNA has to have more unifying code in order to achieve our collective goal of a healthier body. Things like this blog, and our upcoming zine are ways to spread this DNA to the point where we don't need stupid things like security culture and hiding out in basements, shaving our heads, and oiling up for faggy fights with other shirtless men while plotting to bomb something.
I should say "liberal" left. The hard left itself is still very much a mess.
ReplyDeleteDick, and Keith, I agree, 100%. The left now is scattered and in many ways an obstacle to itself. I didn't mean to say anything but that, but rather point out that the trend is towards convergence. By doing the work we do, we can have an inlfuence on what ideas that center forms around.
ReplyDeleteThe present left is not and can not look or feel anything like '68. Those preconditions are gone, and we're only begining to become what is to replace that. Most of those new ideas, shaped by the forces this generation grew up with, have yet to even surface, I bet.
I think Rob's last point is key: "the trend is toward convergence." The main task of revolutionaries today is to understand why that is, what needs to be done to facilitate this convergence and most importantly how to consolidate the movement that is converging!
ReplyDeleteThe main problem with Linda Burnham's essay (typical of the traditional US Left) is that she provides absolutely no analysis of the ongoing rapid transformation of the technological, economic, political, cultural and social makeup of our society. We are treated to the usual Lefty tripe that says we can build the movement because "working people" are energized/angry/awakened/etc. because the mighty forces of the Left (labor, activists, bloggers, etc.) came together. (Notice that whatever progress is made, the traditional US Left is always ready to take credit for it). As usual, there is no definition of "working people", no comprehension of the coalescing 21st century progressive alliance that made up the bulk of the Obama Movement and no grasp whatsoever of the material conditions making this budding revolutionary democratic coalition possible.
Sam is correct to caution us about the disruptive and destructive practice (if you can even call it that) of the more vain and immature sections of the Left that -whether they mean to or not- actively undermine the convergence of the 21st century progressive alliance by acting like self-serving asshats.
I am increasingly convinced that the task of Revolutionary Democracy is not to unite the old Left (and old it is: it's outlook is at best that of the 20th century, when not the 19th). Our main task is to unite the 21st century progressive class alliance and empower it to grow into an independent, mass revolutionary democratic coalition.
Here, Keith's latest formulation works for me: As we build revolutionary democratic dual power at the local level, it informs and strengthens our capacity to unite progressives around Revolutionary Democracy at the regional/global/national level, which in turn helps us to grow local power bases... that can converge into a broader movement.
As to the old traditional US Left, I'm sure they'll eventually join us... but only because the "movement is growing", not because they get it (and watch how many of them attempt to take credit for it all...) I certainly won't waste my time debating them today in the hope to win them over. I'll debate to the extent that there is a relevant audience that includes the progressive classes that we are trying to organize. I encourage my brothers and sisters to do the same.
*snaps fingers for convergence*
ReplyDeleteI have to say I'm guilty of some of the same sort of lefty tunnel vision, having been around too many hippies and fundamentally whacked out anarchlowns during my time at RU. But the wind is blowing towards new territory and anyone with any sort of sense, lefty or not, has got to put their sail up and be a part of the fleet! :)
A critical note on Burnham, who is a comrade.
ReplyDeleteIn trying to deal with the weakness of the left nationally, I find I come up against a divide over what I call 'organization-building' or 'movement-building' as the central task. Naturally, the two are linked, and have to be done together.
But what leads is very important, and I think it's organization building, both on the mass democratic level, like PDA or similar groups, as well as on the socialist level. (I'd rather use 'socialist' rather than Burnam's 'anti-capitalist left')
That gets to my problem with her piece. Through most of it, I'm nodding, 'Right on!' in agreement, until I get to the end, point three, when she seems to fudge the conclusion. She comes right up to the primacy of organization building', then she backs away from it.
Her formulation 'anti-capitalist left' is also problematic. Does it mean the socialist left? The socialist left plus progressives who don't like capitalism but aren't sure what they're for? Or the socialist left plus the anarchist left? Or all of the above?
No matter how you do it, it covers too many sins. I prefer just talking about the broad left-progressive pole, with the minimum politics of, say, The Nation and HuffPost, and within that, the pro-Obama alliance socialists and revolutionary democrats(Which are a minority of those in the hard left groups, while the majority of them are a trapped in the ultraleft cul-de-sac).
The key point here is that my view requires a break with the anti-Obama alliance left, at least for this project. But this may be tougher for many people than we estimate, since folks have been bedfellows, politically speaking, for so long at time. The younger generation is more active, open to change and promising.
I think that Carl's point about movement building and organization building is a useful one, especially since we must go beyond movement building if we are going to struggle for power. The reduction to movement building lends itself to protest mode.
ReplyDeleteI think Linda's problem, where she comes up against the question of organization building is that she is uncertain how to get to a national organization from here, and she correctly doesn't want to repeat the corny and destructive "we are the party" declarations.
So we have to start talking about how the relationship between movement building, organization building, and struggling for power works. And how we do those things in a very concrete way right now.
In New Brunswick we are doing tis well, we need to do two things promote this work so that other take up similar projects in their cities or towns, and so that we can hook up with people already doing this kind of work.
The organization building can then be accomplished by networking through websites and the most advanced forms of communications technology. Just as Lenin argued in Where to Begin, to build a national organization around the most advanced communications technology available in the early twentieth century: the newspaper.