Thursday, April 10, 2008

Obama 2008: By Any Means Necessary (Keith) by X.

I know Jeremiah Wright… Well, I never met him, but I know his ideas, he is a part of the American political left. Nothing he said outraged me, or even upset me. I agreed with a lot of it, and disagreed with some of it. If we were to meet in person I imagine we would get along just fine, and we probably could do some good work together. Obama had to distance himself from his pastor in order to remain a viable candidate -- a smart move. Gary Wills, writing in the May 2008 NY Review of Books, pointed out that Abe Lincoln, who Obama invoked when announcing his own candidacy, was associated with John Brown and the “radical” abolitionists. Like Obama, Abe had to distance himself in public from the “extremists.” But the abolitionists remained the left wing of Lincoln’s coalition, and although he publicly disavowed them (gently) he was secretly and indirectly connected to them.

About 100 hundred years later, in 1968, Robert Kennedy’s candidacy for president represented a similar coalition. His brother, John Kennedy’s election marked the achievement of full citizenship for Catholic (Irish and Italian) workers (that’s why Kennedy’s picture hangs in all those Irish bars). Bobby Kennedy continued to lead those “white” workers and he was bringing them into an alliance with the Civil Rights Movement (Kennedy was meeting and marching with two of its most prominent leaders, Dr. King and Caesar Chavez). In other words, Kennedy’s campaign was a next phase in the Civil Rights struggle. But the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965 and the FBI repression of the left made it difficult for a left wing to get into that coalition and soon King and Kennedy would also be murdered.

These assassinations sent most left wing forces in the United States into a disorientating tailspin that we have yet to recover from. If it were 1968, Hilary would be Hubert Humphrey, McCain would be Nixon, and Obama would be Bobby Kennedy. Some of our friends on the left have asked us to “Recreate ’68.” Yes, but let’s not repeat the blind rage, instead let’s do it over and send Humphrey and Nixon packing. So, we must build a John Brown, Malcolm X, Jeremiah Wright bloc— a left bloc allied to but independent from Obama’s campaign.

Malcolm X drew center-left forces like King closer to himself and led them, but after Malcolm’s assassination left wing forces pushed liberals and center-left forces away and into the hands of the right. Obama’s campaign is the potential rebirth of the Kennedy-King Coalition. And it is time for the radical left to do what Malcolm would have done—get into the coalition as an independent force, consolidate a left wing and build a liberal and left coalition to stomp the war loving right wing in this country while building our own independent left movement.

We have a couple of immediate basic tasks: Obama must be the Democratic Party candidate—By Any Means Necessary. We should plan to camp right outside of Denver during the Democratic Party’s Convention and hold anti-war demonstrations and our own left convention. If right wing Democrats try to force Hilary-Herbert Humphrey-Clinton on us we march on the convention and make sure Obama gets the nomination--By Any Means Necessary. In November, we must make sure Obama defeats the war criminal John McCain. And finally, after the election, we must be prepared to convene anywhere in the country (Florida, Ohio etc.) to make sure that the Supreme Court does not decide the contest.

Some of our fellow leftists have been very critical of Obama. The problem with their criticism is that they want Obama to be a leftist. He is not a leftist, he is a representative of the progressive, democratic wing of the capitalist class and he is making an appeal to workers of all nationalities to support him. Obama is a liberal. He is a center-left candidate. He is a part of the mainstream of the Democratic Party. We are the left! It is time we got back in the game.


  1. It always amazes me the lengths people go to create heroes out of rhetoric and engineered public persona, that is until I am reminded that the American system of social management actually depends on it. The major party Presidential candidates today are marketed just like cars, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals costing a small fortune that only someone willing to dance to the tune of corporate capital, someone with an ability to lie effectively for them, will attract. Is there a progressive left of corporate capital? It seems to me that they claim that mantle the same way they might claim to be green, safe or honest, in other words a marketing ploy. Obama's voting record is certainly no shining example of "left progressive." And as for the history that Keith strenuously reaches for to back up his argument I would only say "that was then, this is now."

    I know, I know, I'm in trouble for mentioning it, he's the evil that is lesser. But I'm not in near as much trouble as this nation, this planet, is. The real captains of capital are running a pump and dump on the American economy after having milked it for all its worth and stashed it off-shore. The Democrats (my apologies if you identify with this puppet of power) are herding the young and idealistic into another dead-end corral eschewing any deep analysis of the issues or lasting organization through which change could actually be pursued. Its an important delaying tactic to keep the people at bay for yet another cycle while our resources and capital are squandered on a utopia for the few. I've been watching this baton get passed back and forth since I was a child, as I've watched this nation slide steadily into a smiling fascism that accepts the TV portrayal of reality, that accepts torture as a routine required for our safety, that accepts the lies, that accepts that corporations really care about them, "they are people just like us, after all."

    We should remember that real heroes get buried, we don't need any more heroes. We need a population that says enough is enough, and begins to take responsibility for this place, that begins to rebuild the communities dismantled by the corporate imperative, the greed of the hierarchy we live under, isolated and alienated, that challenges this hierarchy that is leading civilization's death march to oblivion, any means necessary.

  2. I think Howard is frustrated because the demand to vote "the lesser of two evils" usually stops there. That is we are suppossed to vote for a Democrat and go home. This is not a great tactic, and most Democrats suck. But that is not what I am suggesting. I think Howard expects hero worship and so he finds it. I don't really care about Obama, what I care about his his base--his constituency. You think he is leading them into a dead end. I say he is organizing them for us, but we need to be prepared to do something. You want to complain about spreading illusions among the masses and have even prepared yourself for the collapse of civilization...
    There is a difference between conservatives and liberals. I am neither, I am a revolutionary. The strategy is simple, first we unite with the liberals and smash the conservatives. The we lead the liberals out of capitalism. Check out Latin America and the alliance between left movements in Nicaragua and Valenzuela and liberals in Chile , Brazil etc. that's what we need here. Howard, you don't offer any way fwd. do you have a plan an outline of a strategy, you predict the end of civilization and propose to do nothing. You say we need a population who will do this or that: "We need a population that says enough is enough, and begins to take responsibility for this place, that begins to rebuild the communities dismantled by the corporate imperative, the greed of the hierarchy we live under, isolated and alienated, that challenges this hierarchy that is leading civilization's death march to oblivion, any means necessary." Ok I agree except you get out of having to do anything or propose anything, with this phrase "we need a population." How are suppossed to get this population? No plan? Read: "Obama By Any Means Necessary." there is a plan there , also check out Protests are fine but power is better." We agree I think on the end. We have to find a way to unite and make it happen. I have a proposal, propose a better plan.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hello Pirate Caucus,

    I was turned on to this blog by a fellow organizer. I spent 5 years in Chicago doing student organizing and since have graduated and am moving to Madison, where I hope to start an organization that fights for revolutionary democracy. My ideas (heavily borrowed from Murray Bookchin) seem similar to yours. I'd like to get a better sense of what you've accomplished and how you did so as well as where you feel that you failed and why that is.
    To the article, the one thing that brought me to revolutionary democracy was that problem of Obama. I share the view that the lesser evil strategy failed by stopping at that point. For me I always thought 'I'm going to vote for Obama, yet I don't like him that much, what can I do?' The only answer I found is to redefine the center of power and organizing to the local level, while holding my nose and voting for the lesser evil.
    Another point was that protesting was good but I realized at some point that the anti-Vietnam War movement did not actually end that war, and neither would this one. What's needed was a movement to take power locally and the hope would be that enough places would be doing the same in order the effect enough change. Meaning if a quater of the major cities chose not to participate then wars would be harder to wage, though that is a longer term goal, which means that work needs to begin now.
    Good luck to you and I would appreciate anything that you have found helpful.

    Ryan D.

  5. Hi Ryan,

    We're always eager to discuss revolutionary democracy with organizers from all walks of life. Madison is a happening place, with a solid revolutionary history and with progressive groups doing quality work today that is compatible with a revolutionary democratic approach. Check, for example, Progressive Dane (you can just google them).
    You can reach me at Let's talk!

    One love,

