Wednesday, February 21, 2007
This so-called “downtime” was in fact the “organizing time” during which thousands of activists of every shade of the Left political spectrum resided in close proximity to one another in de facto “liberated zones” in and around Seattle. The geographic closeness and the magnitude of the logistical challenges led these activists to exchange ideas, share resources and make plans together. They became movement organizers as they began to work and decide together, as they began to practice democracy like they never had before. This process of budding revolutionary democracy is credited in many interviews for the decision by a number of “older” protesters to break away from the relatively non-confrontational, pre-approved march routes to join “younger” activists in direct actions in the “no protest” zone declared by the city police.
Richard Feldman, Director, Worker Center, King County Labor Council, AFL-CIO:
… And then there was other coalition activity, as it got closer, there was a regular meeting, kind of a coordinating meeting that I attended, that was hosted by the Citizen's Trade Campaign folks that brought together some of the prime organizers and organizations, including DAN [Direct Action Network] and a very diverse kind of group of organizations that met and just kind of more or less kept each other somewhat up to date on what people were planning.
Well, it was a coalition in terms of everyone coming together dealing with the events of the week, for example from the students' perspective, obviously having been hit the hardest, and the students that had been doing civil disobedience and not doing civil disobedience, just been sitting around and getting whacked by the cops, they brought anger and disbelief. Then us just seeing what had happened and the wrongness of how protests had been met. And it was because we were in coalition and had the energy and ability that enabled us to quickly put together a march with 5,000 people. We wanted to go into the no-protest zone on Friday to show we could have protests and that we could have our voices heard. So things happened pretty quickly.
Things came together incredibly quickly. A wide variety of things happened very quickly, just remarkable how quickly. I guess in terms of true coalition activities, people took ownership, came together and achieved, in a very short time, something that normally takes months to plan and figure out. And that was because everyone had been working together. And this was also something that was also more locally driven. It wasn't people from D.C.
Han Shan, Ruckus Society:
“That’s actually a bigger conversation and a really important thing. That’s something that’s new and something that we saw develop in Seattle to a large degree. There are a lot of groups working in very different ways with different constituencies, and maybe different ultimate goals who nonetheless are recognizing that as the right has come together with various goals, but recognizing they have similar adversaries, at least, we’ve recognized that we need to come together. In Seattle, there were a lot of folks who maybe didn’t work super closely with each other in their discrete strategies, in their tactics that they took to the streets, but tried to at least talk and keep the lines of communication open. I talked to a lot of Labor. I talked to folks who were visibly nervous about who Ruckus was and what we might have planned, who nonetheless showed goodwill and recognized that we were allies in this battle. I think that kind of coming together is a rare thing and it was certainly gratifying.”
Robin Denburg, Asia Pacific Environmental Exchange:
“The coalition, I think, while there were ups and downs, it was very effective in allowing a level of coordination so that the environmental community knew what the labor community was doing and then the labor community would then go back and work out the details, but at least there was some level of coordination and that was exhibited during the week of the WTO when you had one day which was focused on labor, one day which was focused on the environment, one day which was focused on agriculture. If you hadn’t had that, the dialogue and the trust established beforehand, you could have had a hodgepodge of seminars and teach-ins and rallies going on at the same time. So I think it was really effective in that respect. I think it was also effective in terms of creating good relationships between communities that hadn’t normally worked together. In particular for me, working with the faith-based and labor communities was, especially the faith-based community, was a new thing for me, so I think that was effective as well.”
To be continued...
-Activists want the world to change. Organizers want people to change the world.
-Activists hope more people will become as righteous as they are. Organizers hope more people will make the movement more righteous.
-Activists want to become indispensable. Organizers want to become obsolete.*
-Activists think that being in the minority means they are doing good work. Organizers think that being in the minority means there is more work to do.
To be continued...
* To give credit where credit is due: I can’t find the citation right now, but I recall that Lenin wrote something to the effect that “the role of the intellectual revolutionaries is to make themselves obsolete.”
Monday, February 19, 2007
The slogan “This is what democracy looks like!” hit the big time in 1999 during the street protests opposing the World Trade Organization at their meeting in
A large and relatively diverse array of groups had gathered in
The most revolutionary democratic activities did not take place during those street battles, however. Quite to the contrary, democracy was mainly built before and after each protest. The key factor that set the WTO protests aside from most prior protests is that they lasted for several days during which a vast but fragmented network of progressive activists had to contend with tremendous logistical challenges in close proximity to one another. The planning of daily marching routes, resistance to police repression, first aid assistance, room and board, jail solidarity, teach-ins, liberation of resources, etc required a multitude of activists of every shade of the Left political spectrum to cooperate in some way. Numerous decentralized, grassroots initiatives brought together groups that previously had never worked together, building coalitional trust and fostering unity of action to overcome ideological differences. In other words, the movement had to try and practice democracy in order to exist.
To be continued...Monday, February 5, 2007
Baraka was the Messenger and the Revolutionary Movement was his Message (Keith) by X.
I was, in a word, dissatisfied with these subtle pleas for limits on human possibility. Society under capitalism had nothing and still has nothing to offer me or the majority of the world’s people. Even life for the best off, although they may not agree or know it, is a pathetic excuse for human potential, all they can really do is buy stuff and consume, comfort and mild pleasure are their only aspirations, of course they are willing to pursue these aspirations with a frightful viciousness, as Marx says, the history of capitalism is written in letters of blood and fire. Louise and I walked into the auditorium with few expectations and not much hope, beyond an interesting lecture.
Baraka, however, is a real revolutionary and he blew open my mind; it was a secular religious experience. Baraka spoke for two and a half hours, the time passed in an instant, by the end his words made us high, I felt like I was levitating. The speech was captured on film and circulated among organizers, I dubbed the speech off of the VHS tape onto a two audio cassettes and listened about 50 times on my walkman while working as a house painter.
Baraka is a word sorcerer. He forces the language to conform to his thought, language becomes, in his hands, a sword of creation rather than thought’s cage. He is an avant-garde thinker and artist, but he defines the avant-garde as the expression of what is happening now. Most thought and nearly everything in academia and in the corporate media expresses something old, dead and crusty. Yet, Baraka is a popular thinker and artists, not popular in the sense that he sells a lot of books or whatever, but popular in the sense that he can communicate with everyone, he doesn’t dumb it down, he makes it plain without making it simple and false. I think that he achieves this in two ways. First, by grounding his thinking firmly in the knitty gritty of social reality, people’s real lives, and revolutionary struggle, and secondly, he is able to speak to multiple levels of understanding simultaneously, that is to say, he speaks to those with the most experience and newcomers in the same breath, although they may each get something different from his words. This is why I could listen to the speech over and over; I got something new out of it each time.
So what did he say? I still have the VHS tape, but don’t have a VHS player anymore, I plan to get it transformed to DVD soon. Anyway, he started with “we are here to tell you that there is still a revolutionary movement in the United States.” Louise and I were thinking about what to do with ourselves after graduation, we had vague notions of going out to California where the buds are greener. It seemed nothing was happening in New Brunswick, Baraka’s opening remarks knocked the shit off my shoes. He then explained how corporations not only commodify art, that is, make it into an object for sale, they transform they way art is produced, they transform the artist, and what is produced. He talked about the need to create an alternative and “alternative superstructure” as a beginning and basis for struggle. He used a few examples, to explain the transformation of art and artists. He pointed out how the avant-garde of Jazz music –“free jazz” or as he prefers to call it “the new Black music,” was transformed into fusion and “Weather Report,” how socially revolutionary music like the Reggae of a Peter Tosh and a Bob Marley was transformed by corporate domination into Yellowman and Shaba Ranks, or hip-hop from Africa Bambaata, Grandmaster Flash and Public Enemy into Gangster Rap. And although he didn’t use these examples, I would add this process also happened in country music where the outlaw movement of Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, and Waylon Jennings was transformed into Toby Keith and Garth Brooks.
This process of transformation from, “gold to shit, proving dialectics Muhammad Ali style,” as Baraka put it in a poem, is capitalism’s tried and true method. Not only does capitalism transform art in these obvious and appreciable ways, it also transforms the life of every working person whether an artist or not. The capitalist production process seizes our working lives, tells us what to make, when to make it, how to make it, and takes it away after we make it, to sell for profit.We, glorious human beings with potential unimagined, are transformed, just like the art, turned from gold to shit. Another Baraka poem: “We were slaves! Slaves! Slaves! Slaves! They threw our lives away.”
I began to see the gravity of the situation. Capitalism makes the world hell, or as Baraka put it, “they made the world into a stinking cave.” The world would be corny at best, and a horror at worst -- and our lives would reflect that world, we would be of that world -- if we don’t act. Leaving New Brunswick disappeared as an option, New Brunswick wasn’t the problem. Capitalism was the problem -- its shadow would darken our lives anywhere we went. We had to act, and here we had contact with something happening. I knew well before I arrived at the lecture that capitalism had to be resisted and overthrown but I didn’t know how to begin. I started to see that there isn’t a way out of capitalism, you can’t run off to California or Vermont, or to a good job and family life as a college educated person and escape. These are easily identifiable as dead ends, neither peace, nor freedom, not even glory exist on any of those paths only banal and bloody comfort at best. Submission or resistance is the only real choice.
My thoughts ran along these lines at the speech because I was also vitally concerned with my existential situation, with a search for some deeper significance, and meaning to this life. I was concerned with the questions that the system tries to convince you are only the concerns of teenagers. Adults and serious people, this system says, accommodate themselves, they consume or try to and they do it with joy, they have refined their expectations, their greatest hopes are a new car and a plasma TV, they live within what Freud called the reality principle --the psychological explanation of what happens when the freedom-seeking, meaning part of yourself is killed by your own hand at the systems’ command.
Fred Engels said that freedom is the recognition of necessity. Baraka forced us to see reality, to recognize the necessity of resistance. When the speech ended and we came down from its high our path was well lit. Throwing ourselves into the struggle gave life purpose, meaning, and intimations of immortality.
In future posts I will talk more about some of the specific concepts that Baraka explained like: an alternative superstructure; Cultural Revolution; and self-determination. These concepts guided much of our work in the People’s Campaign of 2000 and are best explained in relationship to that practice. (Keith)
Clips from Baraka's 1994 Douglass College speech will soon be available at the Pirate Caucus blog (via YouTube). (X)